U.S. President Barack Obama „We Can’t Wait “ The White House

24. Oktober 2011

Blog von Diplom-Betriebswirt Helmut Zermin: U.S. President Barack Obama „We Can’t Wait “ The White House.

From Dan Pfeiffer, The White House Communications Director

Today in Las Vegas, the President is kicking off a new effort to urge Congress to pass the American Jobs Act, piece by piece, to put folks back to work and strengthen the economy.
Using the mantra “we can’t wait,” the President will highlight executive actions that his Administration will take.  He’ll continue to pressure Congressional Republicans to put country before party and pass the American Jobs Act, but he believes we cannot wait, so he will act where they won’t.
While in Vegas, he’ll highlight a set of steps announced by the FHFA to make it easier for some homeowners to refinance their mortgages.  This will help responsible borrowers with little or no equity in their homes take advantage of today’s low mortgage rates.
Later this week, the Administration will announce measures to help students better manage their student loan debt when they graduate.
These announcements will build on our ongoing effort to take action and help middle class families.
For example, we decided to stop waiting for Congress to fix No Child Left Behind, and decided to give states the flexibility they need to help our children meet higher standards.
And the U.S. President Obama acted to dramatically reduce the time it takes for small businesses to get paid when they have a contract with the federal government, and eliminated regulations that will save hospitals and patients billions of dollars.
These steps aren’t a substitute for the bold action we need to create jobs and grow the economy, but they’ll make a difference.
The fact is, our problems are too serious to simply do nothing.
The stakes are too high.
The issues facing Americans require serious bipartisan solutions, yet the Republicans in Congress have decided to put party before country and block legislation that would create jobs and grow the economy.
They blocked the Americans Jobs Act, a bill that independent experts said could create up to 2 million jobs.
And again, just last week, Senate Republicans obstructed a piece of the American Jobs Act that would keep hundreds of thousands of firefighters on the job, police officers on the streets, and teachers in the classroom when our kids need them most.
While U.S. President Obama continues to take executive actions, Republicans in Congress will have the opportunity to do what’s right for the country.
They’ll have a chance to vote on another piece of the Americans Jobs Act.
It’s a bill that will make an immediate investment of $50 billion in our nation’s surface transportation infrastructure and a $10 billion investment to create a bipartisan National Infrastructure bank.  Together, these initiatives will put hundreds of thousands of construction workers back on the job rebuilding our roads, rails, and runways.
We’ll continue to do our job.  Over the weeks and months ahead, we’ll continue to take actions that will improve the economy and help middle class families.  Now, it’s time for Republicans in Congress to do theirs. It’s time to put country before party and do what’s right for the American people.
Dan Pfeiffer is White House Communications Director

“A new era of promise”: U.S. President Obama on the Declaration of Liberation in Libya | The White House

24. Oktober 2011

“A new era of promise”: U.S. President Obama on the Declaration of Liberation in Libya | The White House.

Bundestag wird erneut über EFSF abstimmen Nachrichten, aktuelle Schlagzeilen und Videos – n-tv.de

24. Oktober 2011
Bundestag plenar hall; Reichstag building, Berlin.

Image via Wikipedia

Bundestag wird an diesem Mittwoch ein zweites Mal über die Ausgestaltung des Euro-Rettungsschirms EFSF abstimmenten, aktuelle Schlagzeilen und Videos – n-tv.de.

Unionskreise: Bundestag wird erneut über EFSF abstimmen

Der gesamte Bundestag wird an diesem Mittwoch, den 26. Oktober 2011,  ein zweites Mal über die Ausgestaltung des Euro-Rettungsschirms EFSF abstimmen.

Das verlautet aus Kreisen der Unionsfraktion. Dabei soll es im Plenum unter anderem um die umstrittene Hebelwirkung für mehr Schlagkraft des Fonds gehen.

Video ARD-Morgenmagazin: SPD-Fraktionsführer Steinmeier zur Schuldenkrise

24. Oktober 2011
Rainer Arnold, German SPD politician, with Fra...

Image via Wikipedia

Video ARD -Morgenmagazin – SPD-Fraktionsführer Steinmeier zur Schuldenkrise.

Morgenmagazin SPD-Fraktionsführer Steinmeier zur Schuldenkrise

Montag, 24.10.2011 05:30 im Ersten

‚Da ist noch viel Arbeit zu tun,‘ sagte SPD-Fraktionschef Frank-Walter Steinmeier zu den Ergebnissen des EU-Gipfels zum EFSF.

Das Krisenmanagement stimme nicht. Man müsse über die Einrichtung eines Trustfonds nachdenken, in den auch Nicht-EU-Staaten einzahlten.

Deutschland und USA gratulieren Libyern zur Freiheit | Nachrichten | Deutsche Welle | 24.10.2011

24. Oktober 2011
Muammar al-Gaddafi at the 12th AU summit, Febr...

Image via Wikipedia

Deutschland und USA gratulieren Libyern zur Freiheit | Nachrichten | Deutsche Welle | 24.10.2011.

Deutschland und die USA haben den Libyern zur Befreiung vom Regime des Ex-Machthabers Muammar al-Gaddafi gratuliert.

Außenminister Guido Westerwelle rief die Libyer zu Einheit und Aussöhnung auf.

Drei Tage nach dem gewaltsamen Tod Gaddafis sagte US-Präsident Barack Obama, das libysche Volk könne nun seine Freiheit und den Beginn einer neuen Ära der Verheißung feiern.

Am Sonntag hatte der Nationale Übergangsrat in Bengasi offiziell den Sieg über das Gaddafi-Regime verkündet und das Land für befreit erklärt.

Ratschef Mustafa Abdul Dschalil versprach Rechtsstaatlichkeit und Einhaltung der Menschenrechte. Basis für das neue Leben in Libyen solle die Scharia sein, die islamische Rechtsprechung.

nachrichten.ch – Proteste gegen Finanzsystem gehen weltweit weiter – Finanzkrise, Ausland

24. Oktober 2011

nachrichten.ch – Proteste gegen Finanzsystem gehen weltweit weiter – Finanzkrise, Ausland.

DasErste.de – ARD Morgenmagazin – Servicethema vom 24.10.2011 – Wie sicher ist mein Geld?

24. Oktober 2011
Logo of the German TV broadcaster ARD.

Image via Wikipedia

DasErste.de – ARD Morgenmagazin – Servicethema vom 24.10.2011 – Wie sicher ist mein Geld?.

ARD Morgenmagazin Servicethema heute:

“ Wie sicher ist mein Geld?

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Statement by U.S. President Barack Obama on the Earthquake in Turkey | The White House

24. Oktober 2011
White House Forum on Modernizing Government (2...

Image by nasa hq photo via Flickr

Statement by U.S. President Barack Obama on the Earthquake in Turkey | The White House.

We have been following reports of the earthquake in Turkey’s eastern province of Van with great concern.

On behalf of the American people, I express my deepest condolences to the families of the victims.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the brave men and women who are working to bring assistance to this stricken region.

We stand shoulder to shoulder with our Turkish ally in this difficult time, and are ready to assist the Turkish authorities.

Statement by U.S. President Barack Obama on the Declaration of Liberation in Libya | The White House

24. Oktober 2011
Official presidential portrait of Barack Obama...

Image via Wikipedia

Statement by the U.S.  President Barack Obama on the Declaration of Liberation in Libya | The White House.

On behalf of the American people, I congratulate the people of Libya on today’s historic declaration of liberation.

After four decades of brutal dictatorship and eight months of deadly conflict, the Libyan people can now celebrate their freedom and the beginning of a new era of promise.

Now that the fighting in Libya has reached an end, the Transitional National Council (TNC) must turn its attention to the political transition ahead.

We look forward to working with the TNC and an empowered transitional government as they prepare for the country’s first free and fair elections.

The Libyan authorities should also continue living up to their commitments to respect human rights, begin a national reconciliation process, secure weapons and dangerous materials, and bring together armed groups under a unified civilian leadership.

As they take these steps, the United States will continue our close cooperation with our international partners and the UN Support Mission in Libya to help advance a stable, democratic transition.

Video: Klartext in der Krise – Helmut Schmidt und Peer Steinbrück zu Gast bei Günther Jauch – Günther Jauch – Über Günther Jauch | DasErste.de

24. Oktober 2011

Video: Klartext in der Krise – Helmut Schmidt und Peer Steinbrück zu Gast bei Günther Jauch – Günther Jauch – Über Günther Jauch | DasErste.de.